Latest News

Outdoor Garden Benches for Sale
Hi Paul from the Shed, Members have been busy on a wide range of projects especially the restoratio…

Open Day /Farmers Market Day
The Shed is busy all year round creating toys, restoring furniture, carrying out commissions from c…

Bee bait boxes project
The Woodend Mens Shed in conjunction with the Woodend Bee-Friendly Society have developed a&nb…

Pardalote Box project
In late 2022 the Shed was approached by the Macedon Ranges Shire Council to partner with them…

Celebrating 30-years of sheds
In celebration of Men's Shed Week the Kyneton Museum wanted to share a story about a recent co…

Gifts & Furniture for sale
Members at the Shed are constantly making toys, giftware, planter boxes and other items for sale. W…

Open Day 2024
Hi Paul from the Shed, it’s been a while since my last post, but the good news is that our Annual O…

Outdoor Garden Benches for Sale
Hi Paul from the Shed, Members have been busy on a wide range of projects especially the restoratio…

Open Day /Farmers Market Day
The Shed is busy all year round creating toys, restoring furniture, carrying out commissions from c…

Bee bait boxes project
The Woodend Mens Shed in conjunction with the Woodend Bee-Friendly Society have developed a&nb…

Pardalote Box project
In late 2022 the Shed was approached by the Macedon Ranges Shire Council to partner with them…

Celebrating 30-years of sheds
In celebration of Men's Shed Week the Kyneton Museum wanted to share a story about a recent co…