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Welcome to the
Woodend Mens Shed


Serving the Macedon Ranges
Community since 2013

The Woodend Men's Shed provides a venue where local men can get together in a safe and secure facility to interact socially, learn new skills and work productively on community and personal projects thereby enhancing their physical and mental health.

• September 2nd 2013. Inaugural meeting of the Woodend Men’s Shed Management Committee at which it makes a decision to seek Incorporation using the Victorian Government’s Associations Incorporation Act Model rules

• September 6th 2013 the WMS became an incorporated association under the Victorian Incorporated Association Act 2012.

• January 20th, 2014 the Woodend Men’s Shed Management Committee approaches Macedon Ranges Shire Council for assistance in (a) identifying a possible Council-owned facility for an interim Men’s Shed and (b) the possibility of public land for the construction of a purpose built shed at a later time.

• January 20th, 2014, the Woodend Men’s Shed Management Committee agrees to join the Australian Men’s Shed Association

• February 27th 2014. Following an inspection of the facilities at the BUPA Woodend Aged Care Centre and discussions with centre management, The Woodend Men’s Shed Management Committee resolves to seek an arrangement to use the room built as a craft room at Bupa Aged Care in Woodend on a temporary basis

• November 18th, 2014, Formal Opening of the Men’s Shed at the Bupa location

• February 3rd, 2015, WMS holds its Inaugural AGM

• July 1st, 2020, WMS Began a lease with GRPP Trust to lease an enclosed space at 988 Black Forest Drive Woodend (the old Back Forest Mill) - the lease of indefinite length but with a clause that enables either party to give six months’ notice to vacate.

• September 2021 the Woodend Men’s Shed joined together with the Woodend Hanging Rock Pétanque Club, the Woodend Pony Club and the Riddell’s Creek Riding Club to lobby the Council for money in the 2022/2023 budget to employ the consultant and develop the Master Plan.

• January 18th 2022, WMS wrote, on behalf of the group, to all Councillors and subsequently met with the full Council to present its case for funding of the Racecourse Reserve master plan development

• August 5th 2022 WMS successfully achieved registration as a Charity with Deductible Gift Recipient status.

• January 2023 @Liesure Planners were appointed by Council to undertake the community consultations and preparation of the Racecourse Reserve master Plan.

• April 2023 WMS submitted information to @Liesure Planners in relation to its interest in leasing land at the Racecourse Reserve and provided details of its suggested requirements in terms of facilities.

Our Committee

Bob McDonald
Paul Muller
Vice President
Bill Couche
John Wood